Anne-Marie at Travel AMM helps families plan family-friendly vacations, specializing in Disney and cruises. She blogs about the destinations, providing a lot of detail, so you can learn ahead of time what to expect.
Anne-Marie needed a newer theme to help with site loading issues, but she liked the look of her previous theme, so we kept a lot of the same details while using the Genesis Sample theme from StudioPress. We relied on WordPress Blocks to develop the pages, especially the home page. This will make it easy for Anne-Marie to make updates, as needed.
We customized the Genesis Sample theme with Anne-Marie’s colors, fonts, and lovely travel images. We also styled the blog section a bit, especially the single posts, so that they would automatically add a large featured image at the top of each post.
The website is awesome! You’re the best. I am SO grateful for how easy that process was. It’s been SUCH a relief to know that it is up to date, I don’t have to worry that updates are going to break it.
Anne-Marie Martinez, Travel AMM