Add Images to Book Author Pages for Genesis Author Pro Theme

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The Genesis Author Pro theme and plugin have the option to add books for multiple authors. The book author is a taxonomy, like a category. And so the book author pages are archive pages, just as category archives are.

You can easily add custom content to the book author archive pages, like the author’s image, some about the author text, and links to their social media or book buying sites without editing your template files, even though there is only a text area field for content. It can look like this.

Note that Taxonomies in Genesis themes now have a WYSIWYG editor (Classic Editor), so you can do all the formatting steps right in the Taxonomy Archive Into Text editor, instead of a page. Updated 12/01/20

author archive page for genesis author pro theme

Of course, if your website does have a lot of authors, and you need more control over the information you add to each author archive page, you will want a designer or developer to create a custom template for your Genesis website.

This is how you can add some custom content without editing template files. You will have a page that looks like the image above, rather than the default.

default book author archive page

Step 1. Install Theme and Plugin

First, you will need to install Genesis Framework, the Genesis Author Pro theme or another Genesis theme (activate the theme), and the Genesis Author Pro plugin (activate the plugin).

You may also import the theme demo content, if you have it. The default book author page looks like the image above.

Step 2: Add Additional Book Authors

add book author page

If you’ve imported the demo content, there will already be one author, so you can add another.

  1. In your WordPress admin, go to Library > Authors.
  2. Fill in the author’s name under Add New Book Author.
  3. You can add a short description, if you like.

Step 3. Create the Author Content

author text in wordpress editor

You can do the following steps right in the Author Archive now.

For this step we’ll use the page editor, as in this post.
Use the WordPress editor on the Visual tab, just as you always do for pages.
You want to Save Draft as you create this page content; you don’t want to publish it to your website.

Add the Author Image

  1. Use the Add Media button to upload an image of the author.
  2. For the Alignment, choose Left.
  3. For the Size, choose Medium.
  4. Do not add a Caption because the Archive Intro Text will break with the caption shortcode.
  5. Add some Alt Text too.

Add Content About the Author

Add any content you like about the author. You can also add links to the author’s social media sites and book purchase sites, if you like. You can also use bold and italic text.

Step 4. Copy the Content

author text in text editor
  1. In the editor, switch to the Text tab.
  2. Copy all of the text.

Step 5. Add the Content to the Author Archive

edit book authors taxonomy
  1. Click on Library > Authors and then on the Author you want to add the content.
  2. In the Archive Intro Text field, paste the content you just copied.
  3. Add a title – About the Author – to the Archive Headline field.
  4. Click the Save or Update button at the bottom.

You can read more on adding content to the category archives.

And now you have a nice and friendly book author page.

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photo of Marcy Diaz who owns Amethyst Website Design


4 responses to “Add Images to Book Author Pages for Genesis Author Pro Theme”

  1. Deborah Edwards-Onoro Avatar

    Marcy, thanks for the walk through for adding images to book author pages for Genesis themes. Lately I’ve been working with some authors, this is timely!

    1. Marcy Diaz Avatar

      That’s great, Deborah! It would be nice if the Archive Intro Text fields were WYSIWYG though.

  2. Deborah L. Arndt Avatar

    I appreciated this help so much. Made a difference for my new author site.

    1. Marcy Diaz Avatar

      I’m glad it helped you, Deborah!

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